Books & Articles

Your Guide to Healing & Growth

Explore Trauma-Informed Reads & Mental Health Insights

Healing is a journey, and knowledge can be one of the most powerful tools along the way. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of trauma, build emotional resilience, or explore strategies for self-care, this collection of books and articles is here to support you.

Below, you'll find expert-recommended books on trauma, mental health, and personal growth, along with articles that provide research-backed insights and practical coping strategies. These resources are carefully curated to help you navigate your healing journey at your own pace.

Disclosure: Some of the links provided may be affiliated, meaning I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. However, you are not obligated to purchase from these links. These recommendations are meant as a guide, and you are welcome to explore these books through your local bookstore, library, or preferred retailer. My goal is to provide valuable resources to support your healing journey in a way that works best for you.